The last few years and months after my transformation have been filled with new challenges and new milestones. Training for and competing numerous martial arts tournaments, running the Spartan Race for a second time, and even traveling to Thailand to train at a Muay Thai camp were all wonderfully humbling, uplifting, and exciting experiences. The next challenge for this year… Amazing Race Canada! Am I ready? I think so. This challenge, though, my partner and I are going to need your help and support. Not going to say much more about the race, I’m going to let the audition video speak for itself. If you think we can make it, share the love by liking, sharing, tweeting, our video! Also, stop by our Facebook page, Team Fight City, and drop us a line!

Resolutions can be achieved. It just takes hard work, dedication, and a little bit of sweat and a lot of motivation…

And that’s all I’ll say about it. I could also say “Mission Accomplished”, “Scratch that one of the list”, “Achievement Unlocked”. But that leads the way to Now What?

This year, I started out like most average people entering the new year, with promises of change, resolutions, getting fit. It’s a brand new year for a brand new me. A lot of us say that. But how many of us actually commit? Therein lay my challenge, and the real heart of the new year’s resolution.

Everyone says it.And there’s a reason why everyone says it…because it’s true. Getting fit is more of a lifestyle change than a goal. Being healthy and active isn’t something you can just put a timeline to with a concrete end result. You have to want it, and you have to justify your reasons for wanting it. You can say your goal is to lose 10, 20, 30 pounds this year. But then what’s next after that? If that’s as far as you’re going to go, then you may achieve that goal, and who knows, maybe faster than you expected to if you really try; but then what next? What’s going to keep you from maintaining that weight loss?

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

That quote was THE quote of the year for me. I had that quote engrained into my psyche every waking moment this year.  We are vessels with finite capabilities. The beauty of that is, we don’t know how finite our boundaries and our limits are, and in most cases, when it comes to the physical/bodily realm, we’re capable of more than what we think we can do. But we’ll never know unless we test and constantly test them. And through testing, we improve, we change, we succeed.

I could sit here and write for hours and layout meal plans, workout routines, and even list out motivational quotes ad-nauseum. But I truly believe that the real key to success is keeping it simple. I learned that from Kru Darwin from Krudar Muay Thai.

I think we all know the answers on how to get fit, how to lose weight, how to fit into those smaller sized clothes. I’ve had friends, acquaintances, and strangers even tell me about how their trying out a new diet plan, or how they’re starting a new workout routine,  or how their changing their every day routine to incorporate some sort of physical activity; and weeks down the road, those very same people are telling me it didn’t work, or they’re giving it another go, or they haven’t fully committed to the program and only now their starting to get the ball rolling. Also, those very same people have asked me, what’s your secret?

My so called “secret”:

Keep it simple. Scrap the diets and the workout routines, meal plans, calorie counting, and rep and set tracking. Keep it simple and workout and eat healthy.

Stay consistent. Don’t stop moving. Once you get yourself into a momentum, keep yourself going. Yes you may lapse here and there, but that’s no excuse to stop. Throw away your workout calendar and just keep the mindset of motion. Always be doing something every day!

Be wholesome. Learn to understand and realize that your body works as one unit. Like Kru Darwin says, “Sharpen each weapon [limb]. Each weapon must have power, otherwise if you’re good with just one, you have 7 weaknesses if that one weapon fails.” Work the whole body, muscles AND cardio. You can have the biggest chest, arms, or the hardest 6 pack in the world, but for what? If you can’t even do 10 pushups, climb the stairs, or run even 1k without gassing out?

Find your motivation.

Motivation is the key to it all. I truly believe that we put up our own walls and obstacles. The human body and psyche are very capable of doing almost anything so long as it sets it’s mind and focus to task. The fuel of that engine is spirit, metabolized from motivation.

This year I stepped into a muay thai gym, purely out of curiosity and the need for something to do on a Monday night. I had already started my physical regime through a regular gym and my martial arts classes; kali. My little sister had been doing muay thai for a few years now and had been going to this gym, Krudar Muay Thai, for a while. She’d been egging me to come in for a while now, and I did, after a friend of mine wanted company to try out one of their free open house classes.

After that first class, I kept coming back, and still do.

This was my first and only Muay Thai gym experience, and safe to say Krudar Muay Thai does a hell of a good job at retention. It kept to tradition and stuck with the basics; but that was enough to keep you both sweating and wanting for more.

It was simple. Cardio routine, with explosive set changes for 45 minutes. No fancy weights or equipment, and no need for special gear or workout clothes; Shorts, tshirts, and a whole lotta sweat. It was consistent. Every class and every trainer was different in their own unique way, but structure was simple and consistent. Warm up with the skip ropes, then cardio and condition, then drills. Same thing every class, but different enough each time to keep you going, learning, and improving. I was wholesome. It was a full body workout, complete with had conditioning and grueling conditioning. Muay thai fighters have the hardest stomachs from all the punishment they dish out and take. But they also have the hardest and most flexible shoulders, legs, arms, fastest and strongest hands, toughest necks, and hearts that pumped like boiler rooms in steam engines. Each workout, and class shaped you to being the best that you can be, as a person and as a human being, regardless if you were in it to fight or just to work out.

But above all, it was motivational. From the outside looking in, Muay Thai is very much an individual sport. Each fighter working to better him or herself in the ring. Two walk in, one walks out a winner. Each fighter brings their own arsenal and specialized in their own techniques and “weapons”. But from the inside, it’s very much a team sport. Kru Darwin structures his gym to train, and to fight as one unit. Everyone pushes each other to learn, to improve, to go harder. It’s simple science, and there are no magic tricks to what him and his team does. The fighters train along side beginner classes. And when their done they come down from the ring to help out and instruct and give pointers. Those that stay behind even get extra lessons from the fighters to specialize their technique and improve their skills.

It was this sense of teamwork and camaraderie that got me to stay and keep going with the sport. It was from watching Kru and the other fighters train and fight that motivated me to improve, get strong, and maximize my mind and body’s potential.

The results:

The motivation got me hungry and my body changed, progressively and on it’s own. Would I have lost the weight if I simply targeted a drop of 10 or 20 pounds? Most likely. But how would that have been beneficial to me as opposed to the real results that I achieved through the mindset of an overall physical improvement.

Change without purpose for improvement is like painting over an old door. You can change the color, but underneath the paint, the door still squeaks, the locks still jam, and the frame has warped and the actual door no longer fits. If it wasn’t for the gym, I would probably have realized this much much further down the road of my life, or perhaps not ever at all. I learned to challenge myself, and push my own boundaries, and eventually went beyond them, broke them, and realized that my potential extended way beyond what I originally thought I was physically capable of doing.

I don’t have to show or tell you about the physical changes and progress that my body went through from this change in mindset. If you’ve been following my blog and tracking my progress on here, you can see for yourselves how my body had changed and evolved over the months. The changes were real. The [my] body adapted to what I was putting it through. And that, leaves me to my last pointer; be honest with yourself.

To be truthful to you all, I had no diet plan. I knew what foods were healthy and which ones were not. I knew if you ate too much of one thing, it had a certain effect on your body versus too much of another type of food. I’m no nutritionist so I wont list out which foods I’m referring too, but I truly believe that we all have the know how to make healthy eating choices.

You have to be honest with yourself if you want to succeed. And this goes for anything, not just in physical training. You need to work hard and push yourself to grow, but you have to be honest at how hard you’re actually pushing yourself. Taking the easy way leads to little or no improvement. That’s been proven countless of times, and I truly believe we all know that. We all know about truth or consequences, so I won’t preach about it. The key is to look inside yourself and be honest with yourself. How hard are you really trying? And are you really taking steps to improve? Also ask yourself, why do you want to improve? Why do you want to change? Unless you can find a real answer to those questions, your going to find the path to self improvement cut short, and you’ll be faced with another barrier of “now what?”

2011 has been a great year for me. With great confidence, I can look anyone in the eye and say that I’m healthy, happy, and I’m strong. There’s still a lot of things to learn and I know I can still improve on a lot of things within my physical career. There’s a lot to look forward to in 2012, but what I’m excited most about is the growth, the improvement that’s going to come along with all the challenges I’m gearing up to face.

2011 has been a tremendous year for change and self improvement for me. I couldn’t have done it alone though. I was lucky enough to have team of friends that helped push and motivate me through the whole year. I want to thank everyone at Krudar Muay Thai, especially Kru Darwin and his team of fighters and trainers for all the motivation and the lessons and the attention they’ve given me. It was a good mix of tough love and motivation that got me through their regime. Keep it simple and work hard. Two important lessons I will always keep and maintain. Their dedication and instruction is top notch and world class.

Training with the students there is also a great experience. I’ve made a lot of new friends there, and we’ve all shed blood, sweat, and tears together. Literally. Watching everyone around me improve, get better, and seeing everyone’s physical appearance change to stronger, more chiseled  individuals was really inspirational. I love being part of this team and group of friends, and every day it’s an honor to train along side with them.

Also, can’t forget about my training partner, Marc Alonzo, who’s been with me this whole time, training along side me, ranking up and competing in martial arts tournaments with me this year. It’s been an honor and a pleasure training with him and along side him in muay thai and kali, and it has been even more rewarding watching his progress and improvement this year. It’s one thing to notice your own physical changes and accomplishments, but to witness your close friends going through the same thing, and helping each other train, motivate, learn, and collaborate, that experience in itself is golden.

“The goal to successful progress is to keep it simple, because even through simplicity, it gets complex.” – anonymous.

I shed a lot of sweat in 2011. Hard work, dedication, and keeping it simple were all key components to my successful year. I achieved what I thought wasn’t possible. I could end this year by listing out a workout plan, a diet plan, an activity routine, a list of everything I did and all the stuff I avoided. But the real key to success is your self. Be honest with yourself. Work hard at what you want. Be consistent, not just in working out, but with everything you do. And finally, stay motivated. Whether it be muay thai, marathons, obstacle courses, sports, or any other physical activity, find that one thing you love to do, and do it. If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, you’re either not doing it right, or you should be trying something else. Whatever it is, find it, stick with it, and grow.

To everyone who’s been reading this and following, I want to wish you all a very happy and successful new year. You all know what you want. You just have to go out there and take it.

Sawadhee khap.

THE JOURNEY FROM 165lbs TO 124lbs

I did it. I lost the weight. Got cut. Got the 6 pack that I always wanted, but lookin more like an 8 pack these days. All thanks to hard work and dedication. What did I do differently this year as opposed to last year? Well first of all I didn’t fuss with my food. I ate what my body told me to eat, and with a little common sense thrown in there as well. My philosophy for eating is eat what you can burn off, and don’t bite off more than you can chew.

The second thing I did differently was find something active that I enjoy doing and that made me happy. And do it often. I love martial arts. And I’ve been practicing for years, but without any real dedication. This year, I trained pretty much every day in Kali and Muay Thai. The disciplines helped me refine my training and workout goals. After I got more into the sports, I realized I was training more to better myself as opposed to just going in for a workout. Working out is key, but if you workout towards a goal to improve your physical ability to do better as opposed to look better, I find you gain way more results. You sleep better, you eat better, you feel better, and looking better is just the collateral result of it all.

It’s a lifestyle change, and you really have to find your groove and stick with it. I find I’m smiling with a lot more confidence these days, and more often too. Positivity and energy, I feel, are the best results of a great workout.

With that said, my weight loss blog ends with the passing of this summer. Thank you all that have followed and I hope I’ve inspired some of you to keep up what you’re doing and to keep going.

Here are some way before shots of me and how I used to look. Years back when I was 160+lbs.

And now, this is how I look today (124lbs) thanks to Krudar Muay Thai.

And now for the body transformation pics.


And now me today; 124lbs

I’ve been having a hard time trying to answer the simple question of “Why do you work out?” Some have even gone as far as to say that I’m doing too much. I think my real (final) answer is to say, folks, I’m happy and I love doing what I do.

Other reasons why I do what I do. Quotes and lines:

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is […] to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which [the] body is capable.”
-Socrates (469 – 399 BC)

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” A.J.Materi

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  ~ Edward Stanley

“The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor.”  ~ Chinese Proverb

The physically fit can enjoy their vices.” ~ Lord Percival

Any workout which does not involve a certain minimum of danger or responsibility does not improve the body – it just wears it out.  ~Norman Mailer

If your dog is fat, you’re not getting enough exercise.  ~Author Unknown

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.  ~Plato

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.~John F. Kennedy

“Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals.” ~ Henry Ford

This is what I used to look like

2005 @165lbs

This was March of this year

This is today.

For a quick Dragan/300 Photoshop Effect tutorial. CLICK HERE

Recipe for success:

  • Little to no alcohol consumption
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Pick a good multi-vitamin.
  • Lots of anti-oxidant rich foods. (secret: I keep a stash of dark chocolate in my desk drawer at work)
  • Run. Jog. Run. Lots.
  • Train 7 days a week. Modifying one or two training days as rest days/lighter workout days.
  • Muay Thai training.
  • Hard work and commitment.

January 2011 - March 2011 - June 2011

I was actually in the middle of editing the Spartan Race vid, but then I ended up with this. A progression vid of how I looked before until now, after all the training and hard work. I think it’s important to log and keep a diary of your progression to track your benchmarks and how far you’ve gone. The last two weeks, I’ve been training for Warrior Dash like I’ve been training for a fight. Every night after class, I’d come home and my clothes would literally weigh an extra pound or two just because of all the sweat. Today I’m at 127lbs.

And it was AWESOME! One of the best experiences I’ve had yet. 5 kilometers of running through fields, steep gravely hills, swampy mud, carrying tires, cinder blocks, buckets of mud, crawling through barbed wire, jumping over walls, climbing ropes, throwing javelins, and at the end, fighting through Spartans! Now this is what I call FUN!

Overall time was 35:17. Not bad for my first race. I placed 417 out of 2000. Officially there were 1882 placements, so I’m assuming there where those that didn’t finish the race or didn’t show up. I think I could have done better though. In the beginning I was playing too nice, following the crowd, helping people out. It wasn’t until the 3rd obstacle course that I woke up and said, “Hey this is a race!” So I kicked it into fight mode, and ran passed dozens of people. I was surprised at how fast I could actually run and compete without gassing out too! I’m really thankful for all the Krudar training and running! I think that’s what gave me the edge over most of the racers in my heat.

This is something you definitely have to train for if you’re going in it to win it. Over the hills and the obstacles I was passing and cutting through super ripped guys that gassed out and were catching their breaths. Some obstacles required you to do pushups and burpees. Easy! But I was surprised at how many jacked up bulky guys were struggling to do 5. Again, thank you muay thai training!

This race was a great challenge and I’m glad I got to do it. I’m also proud of my 3 team mates, Alex, Vince, and Marc who pushed through and stuck it through the end. I’m proud too that they all took their training seriously and made the effort into giving their all.This race was so fun for all of us that we’re now training for another one in 3 WEEKS! WARRIOR DASH! These races could be a new hobby!

All in all, I’m proud of my accomplishment in the race, and I’m proud in the fact that I overcame all the obstacles and the running with ease. Not once did I feel tired or feel the need to take a break. There was a lot of motivation from other people too. The Toronto Women’s Rugby team was in my heat, and they were a great challenge and motivation to me. I’d try to out race one, and as soon as I passed one, there’d be another one up ahead, or a new one on my tail. Great hustle! Made some new friends met a lot of other friends there that I didn’t know were racing. Most of them from Krudar too!

Can’t wait for the next Spartan Race! My only regret is that I couldn’t film the actual race. Maybe next time I’ll have a helmet cam and document it all! In the meantime, here are the rest of the winning shots from the day!

Starting Line. First Heat

First heat gathering at the starting line


Alex and Vince before the race

Team Shot

Marc making it through his first race!

Alex and Vince coming through the finish line

Finishg my first race ever!

My new mud buddy Jenn. One of the girls from the Toronto Rugby Team

Me at the finish line with the Spartan Chicks

My buddy Fernand from Krudar was at the race too! KRUDAR STRONG!

Alex's Winning Pose

My Winning Pose

Bad ass team shot

Epic Winning Shot

I Earned These!

My head’s pounding. Body aches. My legs are stiff and my arms feel like lead. And it feels glorious. I just came out of my muay thai test at Krudar. And I passed! It was the toughest test I’ve ever had to go through in my life so far, and I think, it’s one of the few tests I’ve taken where I’ve learned a lot; about myself and what I’m capable of and the boundaries that I can break. It definitely set a new bar in my training and my outlook in life.

Kru says, before you can defeat your opponent, you have to learn to defeat yourself. The test was a grueling 2 hours of intense conditioning and endurance workouts, muay thai style. The first half was regular class drills but longer, about 1.5 hours.  The real test was the pad sessions with the fighters. One would think, if they were watching, that the 1.5 hours of exercise and conditioning  was enough on its own to be a challenge. Let me tell you, I’d rather do another round of cardio over 5 minutes with a fighter.

(My session wasn’t filmed but the above video is what the advanced testing is like. Our pad session was similar to this one. The students in the video are now senior ranks and fighters. People that motivate me and I aspire to be.)

It was the best worst 5 minutes of my life. I didn’t know what exhaustion was until today. The thing about the motto of “Krudar strong” is that it pushes you to your limit and then pushes you to go beyond it. I thought I was going to give up and pass out after every hit and every kick, but after every kick, punch, knee, elbow, my trainer would keep yelling “go harder! You can hit harder than that! That doesn’t count, that wasn’t your best! Go again!” ; and I would find that extra lil bit of strength to throw another hit.

After the 5 minute pad session came a surprise drill. 3 minute pad session. 1 minute each a different fighter. And this time they hit you if you put your guard down! All I can say is I did my best and gave it my all. I got hit a few times and got kicked in the stomach, a few times too, but surprisingly each time I got hit, I got motivated to hit back harder.

At the end of the day I passed. But during the huddle session, Kru and the other trainers and fighters put a lot of things in perspective. It’s not about passing or failing. We all pass and fail. And failing is often necessary in order to succeed. It was all about pushing yourself and giving it your all, and being honest with yourself. We were all hand picked to do the test, and that in itself was an honour. To me this test became more of a test of my dedication and hard work rather than my physical fitness and strength. It’s not about how many kilometers you can run, or how much weight you lose. Its all about teamwork, dedication, hard work, and spirit and fighting yourself. How honest are you with yourself? Really?

The important lesson I learned today was that  I know myself and I know what I want and that with the answer to getting to where I want is simple. Hard work. The challenge is not knowing what you can do and perfecting it. It’s knowing how far you can take yourself and improving yourself. The respect and acknowledgement and the support I got from Kru and the rest of the fighters, trainers, and peers, I felt was the biggest reward of the day.

Gave it my best. I feel proud to wear these.

My next challenge is coming up and I’m stoked. Ready to give it everything I got. Spartan Race, YOU’RE NEXT!

Spartan Race is only 7 days away! It’s the last week of training so I’m pumped. I didn’t think it would be possible for me to wish Monday would come faster because I just can’t wait to start training!

Training has been slowly becoming more intense over the last few weeks. I’ve found that I’ve been able to add a little bit more and go a little bit faster every day. Thursday, I ran with a few fighter’s from my gym. Running 5k with them is a bit tougher than running 6k on my own. Keeping pace with seasoned Muay Thai vets is a challenge in itself. But I did it! And did it feel good! And that was just warm up before class too!

I took Friday and Saturday off from training. Put back some much needed carbs and protein into my body. Saturday was suppose to be my first muay thai test. Was going to rank up, but the test got postponed till next Saturday; the day before the race! So even more to train for and look forward to.

Spent my Saturday volunteering at the Parkdale Cup Karate Tournament held by my Arnis Guro. Then in the evening, went and watched the muay thai demo’s at the gym I go to, Krudar. It was a great Saturday overall full of fights, community, and inspiration. That Saturday really inspired me to put my all into my training. Kru says, “it’s all very simple. You just have to put 100% of yourself in everything you do, and you will come out successful. Make every punch, every kick, every knee count.”

Krudar Anniversary: Fight Demos

It’s a truth I’ve been living by for the last few months. I realize that I’m at the point in my life where I have to make use of what I got and build on my strengths in order to be able to greet new challenges down the road. You work hard, you get stronger. Its simple. But it works. And it’s true. Life is full of challenges. Welcome them. Don’t let excuses hold you back. I realize that I used to think that was my motto. But in reality, it was more like Life is full of excuses. That was my old way of thinking. Life was only full of excuses because I chose to greet the challenges with excuses; and thus got nowhere.

It’s all very simple, like my Kru (teacher in Thai) and my Guro (teacher in Filipino) says. You already know how to achieve the results. It’s just all up to you. If things get complicated, it just means you’re thinking too much. Go back to the basics. Footwork. Technique. Then comes speed, then comes power. Its just so simple.

And they’re right. You eat too much; you get fat. You lay around too much; you get lazy. You want to lose weight, then you have to work out. Simple. Anyone can run 10k. But you can’t do it while sitting down.

9.1km in 37 mins

Today’s workout, yet another level up! Ran 9.1 km! Was actually aiming for 10, but my gps wasn’t working. Really, I just decided to keep running. I started jogging, and after the first 3km, I’d usually head south, then jog back home to make an even 6km. Instead, I just kept running straight. The only time I really stopped or slowed down was to tie my shoelaces that came undone about 3 or 4 times.

After the jog, got home and did 100 pushups which where 2 reps of 50 and 300 situps of different varieties.

I’m pumped for Sunday. Even more pumped for Saturday when I do my yellow shorts test for muay thai! I hope I pass. It would be great entering the Spartan Race as an initiated Krudar practitioner! 7 Days baby! AROO!

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Also, for those of you wondering if I touch up my result photos? The answer is yes. I have a cheap digital cam so shots are either over exposed or under exposed. The most I ever do though is just contrast, and exposure settings, sharpness, and fix the shadows so the definitions stand out more. NO AIRBRUSH! As proof, I took some pics on an even cheaper camera. My laptop’s built in webcam.

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